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Venture Capital Investments

Venture Capital Beteiligungen

Venture Capital Investments

The agricultural sector is facing a profound transformation, driven by global trends and challenges such as climate change, societal shifts and advancing technologies.

AgTech, FoodTech, and nature-based solution start-ups contribute to transform the agricultural and food sector with innovative solutions along the entire value chain and support a sustainable development of these sectors. Notwithstanding the importance of Agtech and FoodTech start-ups, their access to growth capital to establish themselves in the market is insufficient. Growth capital is one of the most important drivers for the development of innovations and the establishment of new technologies and business models.

Rentenbank invests as a limited partner in venture capital funds which focus primarily on AgTech and FoodTech, in order to not only close the financial gap, but also to initiate active transformation in the agricultural and food industry. In the future, these funds will finance start-ups in the AgTech and FoodTech sectors and support their establishment in the market. As part of the Rentenbank’s promotional mandate, the focus of investments is on start-ups that concentrate on sustainable development. The objective is to achieve a steering effect and build a foundation for a future-proof agricultural and food industry.


Lisa Schmitt

Portraitfoto von Max Brandes

Max Brandes